

The website of SIOS Corporation (the “Company”) provides information about the business operations, management policies, business plans, and financial positions of the Company and its subsidiaries, and is not intended to solicit or recommend investment in the Company. Make investment decisions at your own risk.

Forward-looking statements provided on the Company’s website about its business outlook are not guarantees of performance and involve known and unknown risks and uncertainties caused by economic environments, market trends, revisions of laws and regulations, and many other factors. Those risks and uncertainties may cause the actual performance of the Company to be materially different from what is expressed, projected, or implied in the forward-looking statements.

The content on the Company’s website is provided "as is," and the Company does not represent or warrant its adequacy, accuracy, or usefulness. The Company will not be held liable for any trouble or damage whatsoever caused by inaccurate representation of the content on its website, unauthorized tampering of data by third parties, or downloading of data, regardless of the reasons.

The Company reserves the right to change or update the content on its website or to suspend or discontinue the operation of its website at any time without prior notice. You may not be able to use the Company’s website properly, depending on your network environment, your computer’s performance, or for other reasons. The Company will not be held liable for any trouble, loss, or damage arising out of any of those situations.